Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Well, what can I say - it has been a journey. For the most part I have found it very intersting and it certainly has increased my awareness of the various technologies that are out there. Has also given me a few ideas about what we could possibly offer people that we don't already.
I can't say that I will use everything that I have learnt frequently, but at least now I have some ideas of where to start.
Thanks to all of those who helped put this program together - it was a more than worthwhile experience!

#22 MP3 titles

Think that there will be much more available in this format in the future. Now that many new cars have built in mp3 players as well as options to be able to plug your own ipod/player into the console as well.
Obviously, gets around having all of those lost single cassettes and discs, scratched and damaged items. Also a fantastic way to deliver services to the visually impaired.

#21 Podcasts and directories

Like the idea of a podcast directory. Am using Vista at home and RSS feeds can automatically be added via the explorer tool bar - makes it very easy. What I did find was that it was a little more difficult to get Australian content - so much American stuff.
Will remember these directories as they may come in handy.

# 20 Youtube

Well, what can you say about Youtube that hasn't already been said. Has great stuff in it, but boy do you have to sink through the junk to get to some good stuff. Can't believe what people think may be interesting to others - may be there is a voyeur in us all.

The above was a comedy? Slightly funny.... a cheap way of getting your films made and viewed - over half a million people had viewed this one.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

#19 Web 2.0

Well, that was a fun time looking at all the various ways I could 'waste time' when I should be doing housework! There really is more to life than housework... Have signed up to yet more things - my head will spin with all the sign ins and passwords - need to use one of those google spread sheets to keep track of them all. Quite liked the real travel site and also Farecast looks like an Amercian version of Webjet, which I have used heaps before when trying to find good flights.

#18 Zoho continued

Mangaged to work out how to put this into my blog - was a fairly easy thing to do. Not too sure about the way that the photo turned out - probably due to the way that I had imported into the document. Looked fine on the Zoho page, but looks a little dodgey on the Blog!

# 18 ZOHO Trial run

Here I am playing with Zoho for the first time.  Looks like it is fairly easy to use.  Will have a try at doing a few different things.


Could be useful if you travel around a lot.  Saves buying software.








Not having much luck putting a photo in.



Finally worked - think that it was just a little slow and I was too impatient!



Thursday, October 25, 2007

#17 Playing with PBWiki

Have managed to add my name on the list. Could be a good fun way of staff communicating to each other about ideas.

#16 Wikis

Have had a look at quite a few of things and can see that they could be used in a library contest - particularly for book discussion groups. Would also be a great way to get people involved in reviewing books and highlighting what they are reading. I do agree that the strengths of a wiki can also be the major weaknesses. The fact that I can make up some kind of weird cure for cancer and put it out there for all to read, without the need to be able to back up my claims worries me. No matter how good an editor of a wiki is it will still be open for abuse. We do, however, have to remind ourselves that not all published books are correct either!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

#15 Web 2.0 and libraries

I think that what Web 2.0 highlights to us is just how quickly techology is changing - it is changing right before our very eyes. Who knows where this will lead us in the future, but we have to learn how to harness it and use it to our advantage. Gone are the days of complicated programming strings - now primary school children can contribute to the Web just as easily as a university graduate. I think that the days of us thinking that the book is going to disappear have gone, but technology and recreation do go hand in hand. People want to read and learn but they also want to talk about it......

#14 Technorati

Found this site to be quite interesting. I would imagine that if you were heavily into blogging and commenting on other people's blogs this would be a little bit addictive. Useful if you are desperate to find out someone else's opinion on something. For me personally, can't see myself obsessing about this.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Have had a bit of a look around here - some really good stuff! Have added to my tool bar at home, at least I will know which ones are my bookmarks now.

#12 continued

Didn't like the last link, so trying another!!

Powered by Rollyo

#12 Rollyo

Could be quite useful for grouping like searches and also for keeping things that you always search together. Seems to be quite user friendly.
Hope that the link works.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Monday, October 15, 2007

#10 Image Generators

I actually had quite a bit of fun looking through some of these. Enjoyed inventing my own evil world dominator. Can see a few home made cards and posters coming out of these - wait until the kids get hold of it. Here's a couple of results of my playing.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The end of RSS feeds

It seems that practice does actually pay off. The last link is a much better one, so there you go!

The practice continues......

I am hoping that this is a better link........
Have discovered that it is more difficult to ask someone for help when you are at home....
Let's try another way of getting to my bloglines account.

Learning about RSS feeds

O.K. so, now I have learnt how to set up a bloglines account, but the trick is to try and get a link here somewhere.

This is a link, but I'm not sure this is what we are after!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Technology that excites me!

Have just read that I am supposed to write about some technology that has excited me this week. I have to say that the possibility of having a blackberry that will be able to keep track of the roster up-dates and also provide us with a phone at the same time has kind've excited me. May try to find a photo on flickr just to have more of a practice.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Playing with Mash ups

Back to reality.

Have just got back from Queensland. Found image on Flickr and yes it really is this good.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

First photo test

First day of school has come at last!!

Friday, September 14, 2007

The Beginning.......

May be we can all learn a few new tricks. Life long learning here we come!!!!!